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Meet Melinda

Teacher. Missionary. Ywamer

Home: Welcome


Hailing from the Midwest, Melinda grew her strong Christian foundations in church camps and youth groups. In Youth With A Mission, Melinda solidified her relationship with God and begun her love for the world and the people in it. Since that time in 1999, Melinda has continued to work with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) and has traveled to over 40 nations sharing the love of God. She is a gifted teacher and specializes in teaching and training others to lead Bible Schools all around the world. The depth of her 25+ years of experience has led her to join the Academic Affairs team as faculty serving the Provost Office in the University of the Nations.

Recent Ministry & Testimonies

Ywam Madison BSN staff training

As the Bible School for the Nations staff team prepares to run their 16-week course, I was invited to speak about the University of the Nations. We covered foundational aspects of evaluation and curriculum assessment. Here is what some of the staff have said about the training: "Melinda came to Madison and helped train our staff team for the BSN (Bible School for the Nations). It was a great time - she helped us understand how to run a Bible school within the UofN and how to disciple our students. It was a challenging week for our staff with lots of hard work and lots to think about afterwards, and yet it was also an enjoyable week during which we became closer as a team.” - Andrew, School Leader

Generations of teachers

Testimony: Marina, Egypt - Former Bible Student

"Hey Friends, I can't wait to share with you what God is taking me through. I just finished the first 3-day Bible School for teenagers in my church, 40 teenagers attended. We covered the book of Genesis. They read the whole book on the first day then in the next two days, I covered Old Testament overview+  Simplified historical background + drawing map of Abraham's journey + Acting Joseph's story."

"We had some fun games in the breaks, snacks and lunch. They are impressed and some of the feedback is: 'Best 3 days in the whole year' - 'I attended different schools, and I never learnt that much as I learnt in this school' - 'Marina, you're coming from your Bible school totally different in knowledge and in wisdom' "

"I owe you thanks and appreciation for everything you taught me in the Bible and in life. Everyone noticed the difference in me after the Bible School. I pray God multiply your blessings more and more. I can't thank you enough and I thank God for the meaningful life I have now. I'm overwhelmed to see God working with these teenagers by taking right decisions in their relationship with God and testifying of what God is doing to them.
Again I'm writing this to thank you for your efforts and time and everything, and to tell you that your teaching is reaching Cairo Teenagers now!!!"

Detroit Staff Training

As a part of their ongoing staff training, six staff refreshed their understanding of the foundations of missions, training, and discipleship in a one week training session. These are quotes from the participants:
     "You make the place very fun. It has been really enjoyable having you here. You are very wise and smart. You balance that well with emotions. I have a lot to learn. Come back soon."

     "You have such a gift when it comes to making people feel so seen and loved. You are a gift and having you here blesses us."

     "You are an absolute legend. I enjoy your friendship so much. Your honesty in where you are at with the Lord, as well as your years of experience and wisdom with YWAM, leading, U of N, and relationships. Every time you come it is such a blessing!"

     "Thank you for your teaching this week. You bring so much joy and wisdom with you. You challenged me in such a good way. Come back please."

Paris Frontline DTS

One of my great joys is to be able to invest in the newest generations of missionaries. It was a privilege to serve the Discipleship Training school in Paris. This is what the school leader had to say: 

     "Melinda is an incredible teacher. I had her teach on my Discipleship Training School about Biblical Worldview and what it means to live that out. She was very interactive with the students and really took her time investing into each one of them [both] in the classroom and outside. My students still talk about how much they loved her teaching style."  Emily - School Leader and course facilitator.

Middle East Bible School

Upon completion of the school, the students have been using what they learned in various ministry contexts. Here is what they are doing now:

    "I am teaching at my local discipleship program for a one hour lecture once a week on Inductive Bible Study. It is super cool the opportunities that open up from doing a school like this." Graeme - Canada

    "I am working with an English center for refugees in a predominately Muslim neighborhood." Hope - USA

    "I am conducting a small group Bible study with my church using the book of Philemon." Sen Ji - Singapore

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